'Digital privacy does not really exist'

Good Q&A in Politico on (the lack) of online privacy.  I agree that 'Digital privacy does not really exist' though I also believe there's a better chance for it online then there is in person. Back in 1998 David Brin's The Transparent Society foresaw the erosion of privacy partly due to low cost surveillance - what we now call IoT. With camera and microphones everywhere - including the phones in our pockets - it's difficult to escape our every action being recorded. In particular, facial recognition and its potential for misuse is terrifying, and corporations are beginning to grapple with the consequences.

Many of the privacy issues facing society could be solved with a simply stated law properly enforced: "You own your own data." In other words, data about you couldn't be bought, sold or otherwise used for the benefit of others without your permission. And, as we enjoy personalized services, there will certainly be opportunities to provide profile data to external entities, perhaps in return for money or enhanced service offerings. There are cryptographic mechanisms that enable the provision of personal information as a pseudonymous entity that would allow a win-win-win: the corporation gets data it wants to make more targeted advertising and resultant sales, the person benefits from same (and perhaps directly monetarily), and privacy is protected. Some further examples (now a bit dated) can be found in the post Identity Value Propositions.